Thursday, April 29, 2010


Christ's followers have been redeemed for service. Our Lord teaches that the true object of life is ministry. Christ Himself was a worker, and to all His followers He gives the law of service--service to God and to their fellow men. Here Christ has presented to the world a higher conception of life than they had ever known. By living to minister for others, man is brought into connection with Christ. The law of service becomes the connecting link which binds us to God and to our fellow men. To His servants Christ commits "His goods,"--something to be put to use for Him. He gives "to every man his work." Each has his place in the eternal plan of heaven. Each is to work in cooperation with Christ for the salvation of souls. Not more surely is the place prepared for us in the heavenly mansions than is the special place designated on earth where we are to work for God.--Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 326, 327. {WM 52.1, 2}


The youth should be led to see the true dignity of labor. Show them that God is a constant worker. All things in nature do their allotted work. Action pervades the whole creation, and in order to fulfill our mission we, too, must be active. In our labor we are to be workers together with God. He gives us the earth and its treasures; but we must adapt them to our use and comfort. He causes the trees to grow; but we prepare the timber and build the house. He has hidden in the earth the gold and silver, the iron and coal; but it is only through toil that we can obtain them. {Ed 214. 2, 3}


The youth need to be taught that life means earnest work, responsibility, and care-taking. They need a training that will make them practical--men and women who can cope with emergencies. They should be taught that the discipline of systematic, well-regulated labor is essential, not only as a safeguard against the vicissitudes of life, but as an aid to all-around development. Notwithstanding all that has been said and written concerning the dignity of labor, the feeling prevails that it is degrading. Young men are anxious to become teachers, clerks, merchants, physicians, lawyers, or to occupy some other position that does not require physical toil. Young women shun housework and seek an education in other lines. These need to learn that no man or woman is degraded by honest toil. That which degrades is idleness and selfish dependence. Idleness fosters self-indulgence, and the result is a life empty and barren--a field inviting the growth of every evil. "The earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: but that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned." Hebrews 6:7, 8. {Ed 215.2, 3}


Many of the branches of study that consume the student's time are not essential to the health and happiness of the whole family nothing is more vital than skill and intelligence on the part of the cook. By ill-prepared, unwholesome food she may hinder and even ruin both the adult's usefulness and the child's development. Or by providing food adapted to the needs of the body, and at the same time inviting and palatable, she can accomplish as much in the right as otherwise she accomplishes in the wrong direction. So, in many ways, life's happiness is bound up with faithfulness in common duties. Since both men and women have a part in home-making, boys as well as girls should gain knowledge of household duties. To make a bed and put a room in order, to wash dishes, to prepare a meal, to wash and repair his own clothing, is a training that need not make any boy less manly; it will make him happier and more useful. And if girls, in turn, could learn to harness and drive a horse, and to use the saw and the hammer, as well as the rake and the hoe, they would be better fitted to meet the emergencies of life. {Ed 216.2,3}

For every child the first industrial school should be the home. And, so far as possible, facilities for manual training should be connected with every school. To a great degree such training would supply the place of the gymnasium, with the additional benefit of affording valuable discipline. {Ed 217.3}


Manual training is deserving of far more attention than it has received. Schools should be established that, in addition to the highest mental and moral culture, shall provide the best possible facilities for physical development and industrial training. Instruction should be given in agriculture, manufactures,--covering as many as possible of the most useful trades,--also in household economy, healthful cookery, sewing, hygienic dressmaking, the treatment of the sick, and kindred lines. Gardens, workshops, and treatment rooms should be provided, and the work in every line should be under the direction of skilled instructors. The benefit of manual training is needed also by professional men. A man may have a brilliant mind; he may be quick to catch ideas; his knowledge and skill may secure for him admission to his chosen calling; yet he may still be far from possessing a fitness for its duties. An education derived chiefly from books leads to superficial thinking. Practical work encourages close observation and independent thought. Rightly performed, it tends to develop that practical wisdom which we call common sense. It develops ability to plan and execute, strengthens courage and perseverance, and calls for the exercise of tact and skill. The physician who has laid a foundation for his professional knowledge by actual service in the sickroom will have a quickness of insight, an all-around knowledge, and an ability in emergencies to render needed service--all essential qualifications, which only a practical training can so fully impart. {Ed 220. 2, 3} {Ed 218.1}

The minister, the missionary, the teacher, will find their influence with the people greatly increased when it is manifest that they possess the knowledge and skill required for the practical duties of everyday life. And often the success, perhaps the very life, of the missionary depends on his knowledge of practical things. The ability to prepare food, to deal with accidents and emergencies, to treat disease, to build a house, or a church if need be--often these make all the difference between success and failure in his lifework. {Ed 221.1}

In acquiring an education, many students would gain a most valuable training if they would become self-sustaining. Instead of incurring debts, or depending on the self-denial of their parents, let young men and young women depend on themselves. They will thus learn the value of money, the value of time, strength, and opportunities, and will be under far less temptation to indulge idle and spendthrift habits. The lessons of economy, industry, self-denial, practical business management, and steadfastness of purpose, thus mastered, would prove a most important part of their equipment for the battle of life. And the lesson of self-help learned by the student would go far toward preserving institutions of learning from the burden of debt under which so many schools have struggled, and which has done so much toward crippling their usefulness. {Ed 221.2}

Let the youth be impressed with the thought that education is not to teach them how to escape life's disagreeable tasks and heavy burdens; that its purpose is to lighten the work by teaching better methods and higher aims. Teach them that life's true aim is not to secure the greatest possible gain for themselves, but to honour their Maker in doing their part of the world's work, and lending a helpful hand to those weaker or more ignorant. {Ed 221.3}

One great reason why physical toil is looked down on is the slipshod, unthinking way in which it is so often performed. It is done from necessity, not from choice. The worker puts no heart into it, and he neither preserves self-respect nor wins the respect of others. Manual training should correct this error. It should develop habits of accuracy and thoroughness. Pupils should learn tact and system; they should learn to economize time and to make every move count. They should not only be taught the best methods, but be inspired with ambition constantly to improve. Let it be their aim to make their work as nearly perfect as human brains and hands can make it. {Ed 222.1}

Such training will make the youth masters and not slaves of labor. It will lighten the lot of the hard toiler, and will ennoble even the humblest occupation. He, who regards work as mere drudgery, and settles down to it with self-complacent ignorance, making no effort to improve, will find it indeed a burden. But those who recognize science in the humblest work will see in it nobility and beauty, and will take pleasure in performing it with faithfulness and efficiency. A youth so trained, whatever his calling in life, so long as it is honest, will make his position one of usefulness and honour. {Ed 222.2, 3}

The third angel is represented as flying in the midst of the heavens, showing that the message is to go forth throughout the length and breadth of the earth. It is the most solemn message ever given to mortals, and all who connect with the work should first feel their need of an education, and a most thorough training process for the work, in reference to their future usefulness; and there should be plans made and efforts adopted for the improvement of that class who anticipate connecting with any branch of the work. Ministerial labor cannot and should not be in trusted to boys, neither should the work of giving Bible readings be in trusted to inexperienced girls, because they offer their services, and are willing to take responsible positions, but who are wanting in religious experience, without a thorough education and training. The missionary operations are constantly embarrassed for the want of workers of the right class of minds, and the devotion and piety that will correctly represent our faith. {FE 113.1}


Our schools are to be educating schools and training schools; and if men and women come forth from them fitted in any sense for the missionary field, they must have impressed upon them the greatness of the work, and that practical godliness must be brought into their daily experience, to be fitted for any place of usefulness in our world, or in the church, or in God's great moral vineyard, now calling for labourers in foreign lands. {FE 114.1}


Life is not given to us to be spent in idleness or self-pleasing; but great possibilities have been placed before every one who will develop his God-given capabilities. For this reason the training of the young is a matter of the highest importance. Every child born into the home is a sacred trust. God says to the parents, Take this child, and bring it up for Me, that it may be an honor to My name, and a channel through which My blessings shall flow to the world. To fit the child for such a life, something more is called for than a partial, one-sided education, which shall develop the mental at the expense of the physical powers. All the faculties of mind and body need to be developed; and this is the work which parents, aided by the teacher, are to do for the children and youth placed under their care. {FE 416.1}


A dictionary definition of the two terms service and manual training state that “Service is a condition of being a slave or the occupation/ function of serving or the work performed by one that serves while manual training is a course of training to develop skill in using the hands and to teach practical arts (as woodworking and metalworking)” (Noah Webster’s 1928 Dictionary)


The youth need to be taught that life means earnest work, responsibility, and care-taking. They need a training that will make them practical--men and women who can cope with emergencies. They should be taught that the discipline of systematic, well-regulated labour is essential, not only as a safeguard against the vicissitudes of life, but as an aid to all-around development. Notwithstanding all that has been said and written concerning the dignity of labour, the feeling prevails that it is degrading. Young men are anxious to become teachers, clerks, merchants, physicians, lawyers, or to occupy some other position that does not require physical toil. Young women shun housework and seek an education in other lines. These need to learn that no man or woman is degraded by honest toil. Hebrews 6:7, 8. {Ed 215.2, 3}

Manual Training

Manual training is deserving of far more attention than it has received. Schools should be established that, in addition to the highest mental and moral culture, shall provide the best possible facilities for physical development and industrial training. Instruction should be given in agriculture, manufactures,--covering as many as possible of the most useful trades,--also in household economy, healthful cookery, sewing, hygienic dressmaking, the treatment of the sick, and kindred lines. Gardens, workshops, and treatment rooms should be provided, and the work in every line should be under the direction of skilled instructors. The benefit of manual training is needed also by professional men. A man may have a brilliant mind; he may be quick to catch ideas; his knowledge and skill may secure for him admission to his chosen calling; yet he may still be far from possessing a fitness for its duties. An education derived chiefly from books leads to superficial thinking. Practical work encourages close observation and independent thought. Rightly performed, it tends to develop that practical wisdom which we call common sense. It develops ability to plan and execute, strengthens courage and perseverance, and calls for the exercise of tact and skill. The physician who has laid a foundation for his professional knowledge by actual service in the sickroom will have a quickness of insight, an all-around knowledge, and an ability in emergencies to render needed service--all essential qualifications, which only a practical training can so fully impart. {Ed 220. 2, 3} {Ed 218.1}


It is in the manual training that service can be part of education and that can help us to see the importance service in the life of a Christian. Many of our young people so much take pleasure in being served than to serve others. The reason behind that is lack of manual training. If all Christian institutions can enhance the issue of manual training as part of the syllabus and therefore put it in a time table like any other subject so that the pupils can grow with it as part of their life. This should not only be done at school even at home and at church so that there can be no place to hide out. This can help young people to understand that to live is to serve even when they are old they will not forget it like Solomon says in Proverbs 22:6 “ Train up a child way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The general significance of Aaron’s rod which was in the holy of holies of the sanctuary.
Let me commence by explaining what a sanctuary is before I come to the significance of Aaron’s rod which was in the holy of holies of the sanctuary. “The word sanctuary is a translation of two Hebrew words, kodesh and midkosh, both of which are derived from the verb “to be clean” and/or “to be holy.” “Sanctuary” refers to the place where God appeared and/or dwelt, as indicated by the presence of the ark. God’s Word was kept there and issued forth from it. There God’s people gathered for sacrifice, for hearing the covenant word, for worship and prayer, and for the celebration of the major feasts. The first reference to sanctuary (Exodus 15:17) speaks of it as a symbol of God’s dwelling among his people and ruling over them from within it. The New Testament refers to the Old Testament sanctuary as a type of a foreshadowing of God’s eternal dwelling with and among his people (Hebrews 8:5-6; Hebrews 9:1-14).” Ilumina soft ware. encyclopedia
A rod which, in the hands of Aaron, the high priest, was endowed with miraculous power during the several plagues that preceded the Exodus. In this function the rod of Moses was equally potent. Upon two occasions, however, the singular virtue of spontaneous power, when not in the grasp of its possessor, was exhibited by Aaron's Rod. At one time it swallowed the rods of the Egyptian magicians, and at another it blossomed and bore fruit in the Tabernacle, as an evidence of the exclusive right to the priesthood of the tribe of Levi. In commemoration of this decision it was commanded that the rod be put again "before the testimony" (Num. xvii. 10). A later tradition asserts (Heb. ix. 4) that the rod was kept in the Ark of the Covenant. The main fact, however, is thus confirmed, that a rod was preserved in the Tabernacle as a relic of the institution of the Aaronic priesthood.J. F. McC.
In Rabbinical Literature
The Bible ascribes similar miraculous powers to the Rod of Aaron and to the staff of Moses (compare, for example, Ex. iv. 2 et seq. and vii. 9). The Haggadah goes a step further, and entirely identifies the Rod of Aaron with that of Moses. Thus the Midrash Yelamdenu (Yal?. on Ps. ex. § 869) states that "the staff with which Jacob crossed the Jordan is identical with that which Judah gave to his daughter-in-law, Tamar (Gen. xxxii. 10, xxxviii. 18). It is likewise the holy rod with which Moses worked (Ex. iv. 20, 21), with which Aaron performed wonders before Pharaoh (Ex. vii. 10), and with which, finally, David slew the giant Goliath (I Sam. xvii. 40). David left it to his descendants, and the Davidic kings used it as a scepter until the destruction of the Temple, when it miraculously disappeared . When the Messiah comes it will be given to him for a scepter in token of his authority over the heathen."
“That so wonderful a rod should bear external signs of its importance is easily to be understood. It was made of sapphire, weighed forty seahs (a seah = 10.70 pounds), and bore the inscription , which is composed of the initials of the Hebrew names of the Ten Plagues (Tan., Waëra 8, ed. Buber).”
Haggadic Modification
Aaron's Rod. (From the Sarajevo Haggadah.)
Legend has still more to say concerning this rod. God created it in the twilight of the sixth day of Creation (Ab. v. 9, and Mek., Beshalla?, ed. Weiss, iv. 60), and delivered it to Adam when the latter was driven from paradise. After it had passed through the hands of Shem, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob successively, it came into the possession of Joseph. On Joseph's death the Egyptian nobles stole some of his belongings, and, among them, Jethro appropriated the staff. Jethro planted the staff in his garden, when its marvelous virtue was revealed by the fact that nobody could withdraw it from the ground; even to touch it was fraught with danger to life. This was because the Ineffable Name of God was engraved upon it. When Moses entered Jethro's household he read the Name, and by means of it was able to draw up the rod, for which service Zipporah, Jethro's daughter, was given to him in marriage. Her father had sworn that she should become the wife of the man who should be able to master the miraculous rod and of no other (Pir?e R. El. 40; Sefer ha-Yashar; Yal?. Ex. 168, end). It must, however, be remarked that the Mishnah (Ab. v. 9) as yet knew nothing of the miraculous creation of Aaron's Rod, which is first mentioned by the Mekilta (l.c.) and Sifre on Deut. (Ber. xxxiii. 21; ed. Friedmann, p. 355). This supposed fact of the supernatural origin of the rod explains the statement in the New Testament (Heb. ix. 4) and Tosef., Yoma, iii. 7 (it is to be interpreted thus according to B. B. 14a), that Aaron's Rod, together with its blossoms and fruit, was preserved in the Ark. King Josiah, who foresaw the impending national catastrophe, concealed the Ark and its contents (Tosef., So?ah, 13a); and their whereabouts will remain unknown until, in the Messianic age, the prophet Elijah shall reveal them (Mek. l.c.).
Christian Modifications
A later Midrash (Num. R. xviii. end) confuses the legends of the rod that blossomed with those of the rod that worked miracles, thus giving us contradictory statements. There exists a legend that Moses split a tree trunk into twelve portions, and gave one portion to each tribe. When the Rod of Aaron produced blossoms, the Israelites could not but acknowledge the significance of the token. The account of the blossoming of Aaron's Rod contained in Clement's first letter to the Corinthians (ep. 43) is quite in haggadic-midrashic style, and must probably be ascribed to Jewish or, more strictly speaking, Jewish-Hellenistic sources. According to that account, Moses placed upon each of the twelve staffs the corresponding seal of the head of a tribe. The doors of the sanctuary were similarly sealed, to prevent any one from having access to the rods at night. This legend of the rod as given by the Syrian Solomon in his "Book of the Bee" ("Anecdota Oxoniensia, Semitic Series," vol. i. part ii.) has Christian characteristics. According to it the staff is a fragment of the Tree of Knowledge, and was successively in the possession of Shem, of the three Patriarchs, and of Judah, just as in the Jewish legend. From Judah it descended to Pharez, ancestor of David and of the Messiah. After Pharez's death an angel carried it to the mountains of Moab and buried it there, where the pious Jethro found it. When Moses, at Jethro's request, went in search of it, the rod was brought to him by an angel. With this staff Aaron and Moses performed all the miracles related in Scripture, noteworthy among which was the swallowing up of the wonder-working rods of the Egyptian Posdi. Joshua received it from Moses and made use of it in his wars (Josh. viii. 18); and Joshua, in turn, delivered it to Phinehas, who buried it in Jerusalem. There it remained hidden until the birth of Jesus, when the place of its concealment was revealed to Joseph, who took it with him on the journey to Egypt. Judas Iscariot stole it from James, brother of Jesus, who had received it from Joseph. At Jesus' crucifixion the Jews had no wood for the transverse beam of the cross, so Judas produced the staff for that purpose ("Book of the Bee," Syr. ed., pp. 50-53; Eng. ed., pp. 50-52). This typological explanation of Moses' rod as the cross is not a novel one. Origen on Exodus (chap. vii.) says: "This rod of Moses, with which he subdued the Egyptians, is the symbol of the cross of Jesus, who conquered the world." Christian legend has preserved the Jewish accounts of the rod of the Messiah and made concrete fact of the idea. Other Western legends concerning the connection of the cross and the rod may be found in Seymour, "The Cross," 1898, p. 83.
The rod is likewise glorified in Mohammedan legend, which, as is usually the case with the Biblical accounts of the Mohammedans, is plainly derived from Jewish sources. The following passage will serve as an illustration:(G. Weil, "Biblische Legenden der Muselmänner," p. 140, Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1845)
"Moses flung his staff upon the ground, and instantly it was changed into a serpent as huge as the largest camel. It glared at Pharaoh with fire-darting eyes, and lifted his throne to the ceiling. Opening its jaws, it cried aloud, 'If it pleased Allah, I could not only swallow up the throne with thee and all that are here present, but even thy palace and all that it contains, without any one perceiving the slightest change in me'".L. G.
________________________________________ : J. Frederic McCurdy Louis Ginzberg
The Jewish Encyclopedia

Aaron's Budding Rod Signifying Authority Comes Through Resurrection

Aaron's budding rod was a testimony to the children of Israel of God's authority. Aaron's rod consisted of almond buds while other eleven rods were made of another type of wood. Almonds bud earlier than other woods, signifying Christ's resurrection life. Whereas, wood in the Old Testament often signifies man's fallen humanity. What a picture! God's authority always rests upon resurrection. God's authority always issue forth in resurrection. And God's authority only exists in resurrection. Man's authority depends on fallen human nature. Man's fallen humanity is never fully reliable. Man's fallen humanity is never able to accomplish God's economy or plan. And man's fallen humanity is NOT to be the object of our submission. Please take me correctly, we are not to submit directly to any man or woman in our lives. We submit to God and He leads us to submit to others.


Too often believers submit to their priest, their pastor, their minister without resurrection life as the base of their submission. This is why so many divisions exist. This is why so much confusion exists. This is why believers fight with one another rather than love one another. Believers eventually give their allegiance to a fallen man or woman rather than to the resurrected Christ in their spirit. The human tradition, culture, history and practice takes precedence over a life of faith in resurrection, in the realm of the unknown.

The New Testament reality of Aaron's budding rod is that we take Christ in resurrection as our authority. We follow Him! Apart from resurrection, nothing we do counts before God because resurrection follows death which spilled the redemptive blood of Christ. Without the blood we cannot come before the Lord. Without resurrection we cannot live before the Lord. And without living in resurrection we cannot possible follow the Lord's authority.

Aaron’s staff that sprouted leaves is first described in Numbers 17:1-11. The ilumina encyclopedia says “this is staff showed that Aaron’s descendants had indeed been chosen by God to care for the priesthood. It certified their authority as priests.” It is also reported that “this staff was also probably lost during the Philistine control of the Ark (see 1 Samuel 4–6).” Pulpit Bible Commentary says “Aaron’s rod presented memorials of Divine power. The one reminded worshipers of that all-sufficiency which supplied the wants of myriads with daily bread, and the other was a miraculous act which terminated all disputes about the priesthood. Believers now can look up to the throne and see more illustrious proofs of power in the glory of the Redeemer, who was proved to be the Son of God with power by his resurrection from the dead, and by the sight of the number of “spirits of just men made perfect,” who have come out of tribulation, and are in the joy and felicity of heaven. Age’s soft ware- Pulpit bible commentary, ILUMINA SOFT WARE

Once again, Aaron's budding rod, as with the manna, was placed in the Ark of the Covenant. This is another aspect of God's testimony on earth. God's authority is always through resurrection. What a wonderful truth! Imagine if all believers would take Christ in resurrection as their sole authority. We would live differently, and the bottom line is we would live in oneness. This would produce God's testimony on the earth.

In the ark, beneath where the angels’ wings were spread, was a golden pot of Manna, of a yellowish cast ; and I saw a rod, which Jesus said was Aaron's ; I saw it bud, blossom and bear fruit. And I saw two long golden rods, on which hung silver wires, and on the wires most glorious grapes ; one cluster was more than a man here could carry. And I saw Jesus step up and take of the manna, almonds, grapes and pomegranates, and bear them down to the city, and place them on the supper table. I stepped up to see how much was taken away, and there was just as much left ; and we shouted Hallelujah—Amen. E G White; Appendix D. Word to the little flock, TO THE RAMNANTS SCATTERED ABROAD

Tuesday, April 20, 2010



I happened to have a dream to hold an evangelistic campaign in any of the three districts I am serving as a pastor in order to get Christ church growing in this southern territories of Lesotho




It was just a week or two before Christmas when the good news came to me by pastor Matete who informed me on an informal talk that one of my members would like to pitch the tent from his cofas and ask him to come as the guest speaker. I waited for a report from that particular member and tried to avail myself by visiting her irregularly since I knew this interesting good news.
Finally, I remembered that one day they told me that they are planning to get a tent pitched there at Likhutlong tsa bochabela that is where they reside. I asked the madam, when do you think you will be ready for pitching the tent and she answered and said we are ready but the church also has the same plan to pitch the tent there. I met church elders and church clerk and arranged for a church board meeting whereby this issue was finalised and recommended and accepted by church.


Mrs Moiloa contributed half of the payment of the tent watchman who did his work faithfully and we thank God for that. She went on to make photo copies of invitation cards which entailed the theme for the campaign ( LEFATSE LE THETSITSOE, RUA TSEBO O PHELE KA HO FITISISA) and all the teaching aids eg Catholicism speaks, Leselinyane la Basotho 1994 etc.


Mr + Mrs Khau transported the tent from Maseru to Mohale’s Hoek and back which is the bigger and the fundamental role to be played to make this whole idea sensible and successful and provided their sound system and the keyboard for music.

Mr + Mrs Khau transported the tent from Maseru to Mohale’s Hoek and back which is the bigger and the fundamental role to be played to make this whole idea sensible and successful and provided their sound system and the keyboard for music.  

As the tent began on the 3rd January 2009, we found out that one of the most important things has been omitted which was to transport our invitees at the later hours. They helped us with their car to transport them while I hired a car to transport those from Thoteng where I reside. I thank God for Mr Moeketsi Mohase who also assisted with transport.


Thabang Mohoalali standing next to the organist who is Teboho Khau and on his left is mrs ‘Mateleoe Rakepile standing next to Lebohang Khau who is next to her elder sister Matseliso Khau and on her left is Lehlohonolo Mohlahatsa. I thank God for the good work they did.

Pastor Amos Chete Bohale
Mr Sele Andrew Kheswa. I thank God for brother Kheswa for the seven sermons he preached, Mr Matlali Phatsoane for a sermon he preached and the musician he brought with him being they MR R Bohale and Mr L Mapetla


Finally we thank Pastor Paul Lekoroana Matete for the sermon he preached during last night of the campaign and the musicians he brought with him from Maseru being they Bro Sekhabi, Bro Tankiso and Bro Lehlohonolo Linakana. I thank them for their contributions that ultimately made this campaign to end with a greater success in soul winning.


The attendance was good since the beginning of this campaign, the interesting part of it was, it had a good number of adults unlike in most campaigns where by audience in only children. I am impressed even though we baptised youth, I am almost sure that with post campaign that we will do, we will catch most of the adults even though normally they come to sit in the church and do nothing for they no more think big except for complaining and waiting to die. It was in short amazing thing to see what God has done by bringing such great numbers though we did not do the pre campaign.


On the 3rd January as the efford was to begin that evenning I intervied Mrs Mamonoang Lebakeng, Mrs Mamohlahle Namanyane and Mr Mosiuoa Kou who happen to be old members of this church.

They told me that about distance of 200 metres where the tent was pitched was tent in 1971by Pastor Chalale which prepare them to get baptised in 1972 except for Mr Kou who was already a member as the church first came to Mohale’s Hoek.


I asked them to mention things that might have contributed to poor church growth in the south.


- Lack of church services such as schools, clinics etc.
- Their members move to the church institutions in the North for work.
- All the Pastors were from the North and so seemed to have had a heart to develop home.
- Most efforts were done in the North and they seemed to have been neglected.




- We thank the conference for granting us the tent to use.

- We thank the president for visiting us during campaign with his family and for coming to baptise the converts.
- I thank the following church members: Mr +Mrs Khau, Mrs Moiloa,Mr Kente, Mr Kou and all the church members for having contributed to make this efford successful.

- We thank the conference granting us with the tent.
- We thank the president for visiting us during campaign with his family and for coming to baptise the converts.
- I thank the following church members: Mr +Mrs Khau, Mrs Moiloa,Mr Kente, Mr Kou and all the church members for having contributed to make this efford successful.

Once upon the there was a greedy rich man ho had more enough for his family to survive luxuriously but because of his veracity he taught his son to steal with him. They used to reap where they did not sow. They used to wake up at mid night to go for reaping and choosing only the fields of the poor people ho cannot stand for themselves in case they are caught. One day he took his son to boarding school where his son was taught that there is a God who never slumbers nor sleeps hose eye is big enough to see the whole world that knows so much that he knows the depths of the sea. He came home the first time since he knew this and his father was happy that he came he woke him up as usual and boy woke up and tied the donkey and pulled it un reluctantly because he had a question that his father had answer that about –hat he leant at school. As they got there his told him as usual to wait so that he can look around to see if they’re nobody who is staring at they around. The boy carefully looked at father as he thoroughly look at all sides and he realised that his father always makes a mistake of omitting one important place to look at which is also very important to avoid to make a mistake of saying there is nobody who sees and yet there is one who saw everything from the beginning. He asked him a question that made change once and forever. Father! Are you aware that there has been somebody who has been always looking at us from the beginning? As I look at him I am afraid of his eye. Are you aware that always when you look at other people you forget to look up to see him looking at us? The man was struck with terrible fear and he told the son to lead the donkey back home immediately and he was never the same again.

Please turn with me to the book of Samuel 12:1- 13
V1 The lord sent prophet to beware David that what he thinks that is secret is not a secret to him.
The prophet uses the parable to illustrate to David to see how cruel he is
He talks of the rich man and the poor man
What does the prophet mean by the rich man
Ḥayil regards riches as power (Psa_62:1-12 :19; Isa_8:4; Isa_10:14). (6) Yithrāh means “running over,” and so presents riches as abundance (Jer_48:36 the King James Version
1, The words for “poor” are chiefly 'ebhyōn, “desirous,” “needy,” “poor” (Exo_23:6, 2, dal, “moving,” “swaying,” hence, weak, poor, lowly (Exo_23:3, etc.)
David did not realize like many of us that whatever judgment he is to set forth will be his. He again like many of us did not beware that when he points his finger to his brother, he is pointing three to himself and one to God who is the true and faithful witness and the revealer of secrets.
David in the parable is the rich man who found favor in the eyes of the lord while Uriah the Hittite is the poor man who served as one of the faithful soldier of Israel even though he was not an Israelite like David he had fallen into a covenant with YHWH the God of Israel
David had many wifes and if he still wanted some more he should have requested of the lord but he killed Uriah,s only wife.


-Ka selemo sa bobeli sa ho busa hoa morena daruis morena Jehovah a belaela ka sebaka sa hae sa thapelo.

-This2088 people5971 say, 559 the time6256 is not3808 come,

-Now6258 therefore thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts; 6635 Consider7760, 3824, 5921 your ways.1870

Hag 1:1 In the second8147 year8141 of Darius1867 the king,4428 in the sixth8345 month,2320 in the first259 day3117 of the month,2320 came1961 the word1697 of the LORD3068 by3027 Haggai2292 the prophet5030 unto413 Zerubbabel2216 the son1121 of Shealtiel,7597 governor6346 of Judah,3063 and to413 Joshua3091 the son1121 of Josedech,3087 the high1419 priest,3548 saying,559
Hag 1:2 Thus3541 speaketh559 the LORD3068 of hosts, 6635 saying, 559 This2088 people5971 say, 559 The time6256 is not3808 come, 935 the time6256 that the LORD's3068 house1004 should be built.1129
Hag 1:3 Then came1961 the word1697 of the LORD3068 by3027 Haggai2292 the prophet, 5030 saying, 559
Hag 1:4 Is it time6256 for you, O ye, 859 to dwell3427 in your ceiled5603 houses, 1004 and this2088 house1004 lie waste? 2720
Hag 1:5 Now6258 therefore thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts; 6635 Consider7760, 3824, 5921 your ways.1870
Hag 1:6 Ye have sown2232 much, 7235 and bring in935 little; 4592 ye eat, 398 but ye have not enough; 369, 7646 ye drink, 8354 but ye are not filled with drink; 369, 7937 ye clothe3847 you, but there is none warm; 369, 2552 and he that earnest wages7936 earnest wages7936 to put it into413 a bag6872 with holes.5344
Hag 1:7 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts; 6635 Consider7760, 3824, 5921 your ways.1870
Hag 1:8 Go up5927 to the mountain, 2022 and bring935 wood, 6086 and build1129 the house; 1004 and I will take pleasure7521 in it, and I will be glorified, 3513 saith559 the LORD.3068
Hag 1:9 Ye looked6437 for413 much, 7235 and, lo, 2009 it came to little;4592 and when ye brought935 it home,1004 I did blow5301 upon it. Why? 3282, 4100 saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635 Because3282 of mine house1004 that834 is waste, 2720 and ye859 run7323 every man376 unto his own house.1004
Hag 1:10 Therefore5921, 3651 the heaven8064 over5921 you is stayed3607 from dew, 4480, 2919 and the earth776 is stayed3607 from her fruit.2981
Hag 1:11 And I called7121 for a drought2721 upon5921 the land, 776 and upon5921 the mountains, 2022 and upon5921 the corn, 1715 and upon5921 the new wine, 8492 and upon5921 the oil, 3323 and upon5921 that which834 the ground127 bringeth forth, 3318 and upon5921 men,120 and upon5921 cattle,929 and upon5921 all3605 the labor3018 of the hands.3709
Hag 1:12 Then Zerubbabel2216 the son1121 of Shealtiel,7597 and Joshua3091 the son1121 of Josedech,3087 the high1419 priest,3548 with all3605 the remnant7611 of the people,5971 obeyed8085 the voice6963 of the LORD3068 their God,430 and the words1697 of Haggai2292 the prophet,5030 as834 the LORD3068 their God430 had sent7971 him, and the people5971 did fear3372 before4480, 6440 the LORD.3068
Hag 1:13 Then spoke559 Haggai2292 the LORD's3068 messenger4397 in the LORD's3068 message4400 unto the people,5971 saying,559 I589 am with854 you, saith5002 the LORD.3068
Hag 1:14 And the LORD3068 stirred up5782 (853) the spirit7307 of Zerubbabel2216 the son1121 of Shealtiel,7597 governor6346 of Judah,3063 and the spirit7307 of Joshua3091 the son1121 of Josedech,3087 the high1419 priest,3548 and the spirit7307 of all3605 the remnant7611 of the people;5971 and they came935 and did6213 work4399 in the house1004 of the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 their God,430
Hag 1:15 In the four702 and twentieth6242 day3117 of the sixth8345 month,2320 in the second8147 year8141 of Darius1867 the king.

DATE: 26/07/2008

Rom 8:9

(ALT) But _you*_ are not in [the] flesh _but_ in [the] Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you*; but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this one is not His.

(ASV) But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. But if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

(BBE) You are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God is in you. But if any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is not one of his.

(GNB) But you do not live as your human nature tells you to; instead, you live as the Spirit tells you to---if, in fact, God's Spirit lives in you. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

(GW) But if God's Spirit lives in you, you are under the control of your spiritual nature, not your corrupt nature. Whoever doesn't have the Spirit of Christ doesn't belong to him.

(ISV) You, however, are not of the flesh but under the control of the Spirit, since God's Spirit lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him.

(KJV+) But1161 ye5210 are2075 not3756 in1722 the flesh,4561 but235 in1722 the Spirit,4151 if so be that1512 the Spirit4151 of God2316 dwell3611 in1722 you.5213 Now1161 if any man1536 have2192 not3756 the Spirit4151 of Christ,5547 he3778 is2076 none3756 of his.848

(KJVA) But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

(MKJV) But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.

(MSG) But if God himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won't know what we're talking about.

(WEB) But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if it is so that the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if any man doesn't have the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.

(Webster) But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. Now if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.

1, Moea oa kreste ke moea oa bonolo
oa khotso
oa boikokobetso
oa mamello
oa lerato
oa bo tlase

2, moea oa kreste hape ke ho tsamaisoa le ho tataisoa ke moea oa molimo e le
Mohalaletsi oa hao
Tichere ea hao
Mots’elise oa hao
Ho ba le moea oa kreste ho ts’oana le ho ba le moea oa molimo o phela ka ho uena.
Moa o na k sklm ky kapa mastr ky bophlong
Isa 11:1 And there shall come forth3318 a rod2415 out of the stem4480, 1503 of Jesse,3448 and a Branch5342 shall grow6509 out of his roots:4480, 8328
Isa 11:2 And the spirit7307 of the LORD3068 shall rest5117 upon5921 him, the spirit7307 of wisdom2451 and understanding,998 the spirit7307 of counsel6098 and might,1369 the spirit7307 of knowledge1847 and of the fear3374 of the LORD;3068
Jesse mobetlehema
Mora oa Obed
Setloholo sa Boase
Ntata Davida
Davida o hlaha e le thupa ho Jesse ‘me
Kutung ea Davida ho hlaha lekala e leng kreste
Moea oa Jehovah o lula ho lima hae e leng moea oa bohlale
Oa kelello
Oa keletso
Oa kutloisiso
Oa tsebo le
Ho ts’aba Jehovah

Moea ona ke senotlolo sa ho boloka molao oa molimo le ho o phetha o sena letheba le ha e le sekoli
Eze 36:27 And I will put5414 my spirit7307 within7130 you, and cause6213 you to walk1980 in854 my statutes,2706 and ye shall keep8104 my judgments,4941 and do6213 them.
1Ti 6:14 That thou4571 keep5083 this commandment1785 without spot,784 unrebukable,423 until3360 the3588 appearing2015 of our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ:5547

Qetellong banabeso, aa moea oa molimo o le tiise morning le matlng a hae a sa sitoeng ke letho le tle le tsebe ho hlola lihloho tsohle tsa Diabolosi.
Eph 6:10 Finally,3063 my3450 brethren,80 be strong1743 in1722 the Lord,2962 and2532 in1722 the3588 power2904 of his846 might.2479
Eph 6:11 Put on1746 the3588 whole armor3833 of God,2316 that ye5209 may be able1410 to stand2476 against4314 the3588 wiles3180 of the3588 devil.1228

Subject: Week of prayer leading to Likhutlong SDA branch
Date: 18 May 2008

1Sa 1:1 Now there was1961 a certain259 man376 of4480 Ramathaim-zophim,7436 of mount4480, 2022 Ephraim,669 and his name8034 was Elkanah,511 the son1121 of Jeroham,3395 the son1121 of Elihu,453 the son1121 of Tohu,8459 the son1121 of Zuph,6689 an Ephrathite.673

1Sa 1:1 -
Ramathaim-zophim may signify “the two hills 1Sa_9:11-13 of the watchmen,” so called from its being a post from which the watchmen looked out.
The dictionary meaning from Hebrew:
רמתים צופים
râmâthayim tsôphîym
raw-maw-thah'-yim tso-feem'
From the dual of H7413 and the plural of the active participle of H6822; double height of watchers; Ramathajim Tsophim, a place in Palestine: - Ramathaim-zophim

From H410 and H7069; God has obtained; Elkanah, the name of seven Israelites: - Elkanah.

אפרתה אפרת
'ephrâth 'ephrâthâh
ef-rawth', ef-raw'-thaw
From H6509; fruitfulness; Ephrath, another name for Bethlehem; once used in Psa_132:6 perhaps for Ephraim; also of an Israelitish woman: - Ephrath, Ephratah.

1Sa 1:20 -
Called his name Samuel - As she gave this name to her son because she had asked him of the Lord, the word שמואל Shemuel must be here considerably contracted; if it express this sentiment, the component parts of it are the following: שאול מאל shaul meEl, “asked of God.” This name would put both the mother and the son in continual remembrance of the Divine interposition at his birth. See on 1Sa_1:28 (note)

1Sa 1:28 Therefore also1571 I595 have lent7592 him to the LORD;3068 as long3605 as834 he liveth3117 he1931 shall be1961 lent7592 to the LORD.3068 And he worshiped7812 the LORD3068 there.8033

Exo 2:9 And Pharaoh's6547 daughter1323 said559 unto her, Take this child away,1980, (853), 2088, 3206 and nurse3243 it for me, and I589 will give5414 thee (853) thy wages.7939 And the woman802 took3947 the child,3206 and nursed5134 it.

Gen 1:26 And God430 said,559 Let us make6213 man120 in our image,6754 after our likeness:1823 and let them have dominion7287 over the fish1710 of the sea,3220 and over the fowl5775 of the air,8064 and over the cattle,929 and over all3605 the earth,776 and over every3605 creeping thing7431 that creepeth7430 upon5921 the earth.776
Gen 1:27 So God430 created1254 (853) man120 in his own image,6754 in the image6754 of God430 created1254 he him; male2145 and female5347 created1254 he them.
Gen 1:28 And God430 blessed1288 them, and God430 said559 unto them, Be fruitful,6509 and multiply,7235 and replenish4390 (853) the earth,776 and subdue3533 it: and have dominion7287 over the fish1710 of the sea,3220 and over the fowl5775 of the air,8064 and over every3605 living thing2416 that moveth7430 upon5921 the earth.776

Rom 8:14 For1063 as many as3745 are led71 by the Spirit4151 of God,2316 they3778 are1526 the sons5207 of God.2316

SUBJECT: The week of prayer leading to Likhutlong SDA branch
DATE: 19 May 2008

1Sa 19:10 And Saul7586 sought1245 to smite5221 David1732 even to the wall7023 with the javelin;2595 but he slipped away6362 out of Saul's presence,4480, 6440, 7586 and he smote5221 (853) the javelin2595 into the wall:7023 and David1732 fled,5127 and escaped4422 that1931 night.3915
David fled - This was the beginning of David’s life as a fugitive and outcast, though for no “offence or fauIt” of his (Psa_59:3, Prayer Book Version).
-Psa 59:1 To the chief Musician,5329 Al-taschith,516 Michtam4387 of David;1732 when Saul7586 sent,7971 and they watched8104 (853) the house1004 to kill4191 him. Deliver5337 me from mine enemies,4480, 341 O my God:430 defend7682 me from them that rise up against4480, 6965 me.
Psa 59:2 Deliver5337 me from the workers4480, 6466 of iniquity,205 and save3467 me from bloody1818 men.4480, 376
Psa 59:4 They run7323 and prepare themselves3559 without1097 my fault:5771 awake5782 to help7125 me, and behold.7200
Psa 59:5 Thou859 therefore, O LORD3068 God430 of hosts,6635 the God430 of Israel,3478 awake6974 to visit6485 all3605 the heathen:1471 be not408 merciful2603 to any3605 wicked205 transgressors.898 Selah.

1Sa 19:12 So Michal4324 let David down3381, (853), 1732 through1157 a window:2474 and he went,1980 and fled,1272 and escaped.4422

1Sa 19:17 And Saul7586 said559 unto413 Michal,4324 Why4100 hast thou deceived7411 me so,3602 and sent away7971 (853) mine enemy,341 that he is escaped?4422 And Michal4324 answered559, 413 Saul,7586 He1931 said559 unto413 me, Let me go;7971 why4100 should I kill4191 thee?
-Michal did not have any clash with David and they were friends.
-Saul also sought to kill David and called him an enemy having no grudge with him

1Sa 19:18 So David1732 fled,1272 and escaped,4422 and came935 to413 Samuel8050 to Ramah,7414 and told5046 him (853) all3605 that834 Saul7586 had done6213 to him. And he1931 and Samuel8050 went1980 and dwelt3427 in Naioth.
-Davida a baleha a pholosa bophelo ba hae a ea ho samuele
- Ba ntoo tloha le Samuel ba lula Najothe
- John 3:16 God sent his son Jesus Christ to come to save us that whoso ever believeth in should not perish but have life everlasting.
-Revelation 12:10 while the devil came to accuse us of our wrong doings day and night.
-Saule o qosa morali oa hae ka ho pholosa bophelo ba David BO A NE A BATLA HO BO NKA A SENA MOLATO.
Qetellog banabeso Nicodema a tla ho a re Joh 3:1 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
Joh 3:2 The same came to him by night, and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him."
Joh 3:3 Jesus answered him, "Most assuredly, I tell you, unless one is born anew, he can't see the Kingdom of God."
Joh 3:4 Nicodemus said to him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb, and be born?"
Joh 3:5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly I tell you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he can't enter into the Kingdom of God!.


SUBJECT: The week of prayer leading to Likhutlong SDA branch
DATE: 20 May 2008

1Sa 19:19 And it was told5046 Saul,7586 saying,559 Behold,2009 David1732 is at Naioth5121 in Ramah.7414 1Sa 19:20 And Saul7586 sent7971 messengers4397 to take3947 (853) David:1732 and when they saw7200 (853) the company3862 of the prophets5030 prophesying,5012 and Samuel8050 standing5975 as appointed5324 over5921 them, the Spirit7307 of God430 was1961 upon5921 the messengers4397 of Saul,7586 and they1992 also1571 prophesied.5012

Naioth means dwellings
-Ka mora hore Davida a phetele Samuele bothata ba hae,
-Samuele and Davida ba tla tulong tsa bo teng ba Molimo
-Najothe ke sekong sa ba profeta mona Ramah palestina
-Ha ho motho ea ka tlang mona e be o khutla feela
Najothe ho ne ho na le tempele moo bana ba ba molimo ba neng ba kopanela teng.
DAVIDA Pesalemeng ea 27:4-6 o re Psa 27:4 One259 thing have I desired7592 of4480, 854 the LORD,3068 that will I seek after;1245 that I may dwell3427 in the house1004 of the LORD3068 all3605 the days3117 of my life,2416 to behold2372 the beauty5278 of the LORD,3068 and to inquire1239 in his temple.1964
Psa 27:5 For3588 in the time3117 of trouble7451 he shall hide6845 me in his pavilion:5520 in the secret5643 of his tabernacle168 shall he hide5641 me; he shall set me up7311 upon a rock.6697
Psa 27:6 And now6258 shall mine head7218 be lifted up7311 above5921 mine enemies341 round about5439 me: therefore will I offer2076 in his tabernacle168 sacrifices2077 of joy;8643 I will sing,7891 yea, I will sing praises2167 unto the LORD.3068
Ka tHeb 9:1 The first covenant had rules for worship and a place made for worship as well.
Heb 9:2 A tent was put up, the outer one, which was called the Holy Place. In it were the lampstand and the table with the bread offered to God.
Heb 9:3 Behind the second curtain was the tent called the Most Holy Place.
Heb 9:2 For1063 there was a tabernacle4633 made;2680 the3588 first,4413 wherein1722, 3739 was the(5037, 3739) candlestick,3087 and2532 the3588 table,5132 and2532 the3588 shewbread;4286, 740 which3748 is called3004 the sanctuary.39
Heb 9:3 And1161 after3326 the3588 second1208 veil,2665 the tabernacle4633 which is called3004 the holiest of all;39,
Heb 9:4 In it were the gold altar for the burning of incense and the Covenant Box all covered with gold and containing the gold jar with the manna in it, Aaron's stick that had sprouted leaves, and the two stone tablets with the commandments written on them

Isa 42:21 The LORD is a God who is eager to save, so he exalted his laws and teachings, and he wanted his people to honor them.
Qetellong banabeso, Jesu o re
Joh 14:21 He that hath2192 my3450 commandments,1785 and2532 keepeth5083 them,846 he1565 it is2076 that loveth25 me:3165 and1161 he that loveth25 me3165 shall be loved25 of5259 my3450 Father,3962 and2532 I1473 will love25 him,846 and2532 will manifest1718 myself1683 to him846.
o Ipontsang joang

Mat 6:33 But1161 seek2212 ye first4412 the3588 kingdom932 of God,2316 and2532 his846 righteousness;1343 and2532 all3956 these things5023 shall be added4369 unto you.5213

Ten more has accepted baptism about and so 14 has accepted baptism so far

SUBJECT: The week of prayer leading to Likhutlong SDA branch
DATE: 21 May 2008

1Sa 19:21 And when it was told5046 Saul,7586 he sent7971 other312 messengers,4397 and they1992 prophesied5012 likewise.1571 And Saul7586 sent7971 messengers4397 again3254 the third7992 time, and they1992 prophesied5012 also.
Ho porofeta ke ho rorisa Molimo
Ba ne ba rorisa Molimo hore Davida ke morena oa Israele.
Ruri Davida o lutse, o phomotse moriti oa mookameli ea phahame.
O ntsa re Jehova setsabelo sa ka , qhobosheane ea ka, molimo oa ka, ke tla o tsepa . Psa 91:1 He that dwelleth3427 in the secret place5643 of the most High5945 shall abide3885 under the shadow6738 of the Almighty.7706
Psa 91:2 I will say559 of the LORD,3068 He is my refuge4268 and my fortress:4686 my God;430 in him will I trust.
Saule o laela bahlanka ba hae bao a ba tsepelang tse kholo pusong ea hae ho tla le Davida a phela.
Bahlanka ba Saule ba fetoha bahlanka ba Molimo oa Davida o phelang e se ka boikhethelo.
Linako li lekane ho bahlanka ba Saule hore ba tsohe ‘me Christ o a ba bonesetse
1Pe 4:3 For1063 the time5550 past3928 of our life979 may suffice713 us2254 to have wrought2716 the3588 will2307 of the3588 Gentiles,1484 when we walked4198 in1722 lasciviousness,766 lusts,1939 excess of wine,3632 revellings,2970 banquetings,4224 and2532 abominable111 idolatries:1495

Eph 5:14 Wherefore1352 he saith,3004 Awake1453 thou that sleepest,2518 and2532 arise450 from1537 the3588 dead,3498 and2532 Christ5547 shall give thee light.2017,
Bahlanka ba Saule ba fetoha baetsisi ba Molimo ba ratoa le monko o monate ho kreste.
Eph 5:1 Be1096 ye therefore3767 followers3402 of God2316 as5613 dear27 children:5043
Eph 5:2 And2532 walk4043 in1722 love,26 as2531 Christ5547 also2532 hath loved25 us,2248 and2532 hath given3860 himself1438 for5228 us2257 an offering4376 and2532 a sacrifice2378 to God2316 for1519 a sweetsmelling2175 savor.

Mokameli ea phahameng o bitsa ka lentsoe le phahameng o ntsa re Isa 1:18 Come1980 now,4994 and let us reason together,3198 saith559 the LORD:3068 though518 your sins2399 be1961 as scarlet,8144 they shall be as white3835 as snow;7950 though518 they be red119 like crimson,8438 they shall be1961 as wool.
A o re Ngoaneso ka seboko see Act 9:4 And2532 he fell4098 to1909 the3588 earth,1093 and heard191 a voice5456 saying3004 unto him,848 Saul,4549 Saul,4549 why5101 persecutest1377 thou me?3165

About 7 new has joint today and so about 21 is ready for baptism
SUBJECT: The week of prayer leading to Likhutlong SDA branch
DATE: 22 May 2008

Sehlopha sa pele seile sa profeta
Hoa tla sa bobeli le sona sa profeta
Hoa ntoo tsoa sa boraro le sona so hloka boikhethelo sa profeta

1Sa 19:22 Then went1980 he1931 also1571 to Ramah,7414 and came935 to5704 a great1419 well953 that834 is in Sechu:7906 and he asked7592 and said,559 Where375 are Samuel8050 and David?1732 And one said,559 Behold,2009 they be at Naioth5121 in Ramah.7414
1Sa 19:23 And he went1980 thither8033 to413 Naioth5121 in Ramah:7414 and the Spirit7307 of God430 was1961 upon5921 him1931 also,1571 and he went on,1980, 1980 and prophesied,5012 until5704 he came935 to Naioth5121 in Ramah.
Saule mora Kish oa leloko la Benjamin mora Jakobo le Rakhele ba Gibean
Saule mohale kapa kakapa ntoeng
A halefa mali a hae mathata a halefetse Davida le masole a hae
Apara seaparo sa hae sa borena moshana a phaka limetse a motelele ka seemo
A ikisa Ramah moo a neng beoa motlotsuoa oa molimo teng
Ona ba tla ho tsoara poo ka linaka sa mohla Thomas a ne a batla ho Kenya monoana hore a tle a kholoe taba ena. Joh 20:27 Then1534 saith3004 he to Thomas,2381 Reach5342 hither5602 thy4675 finger,1147 and2532 behold1492 my3450 hands;5495 and2532 reach5342 hither thy4675 hand,5495 and2532 thrust906 it into1519 my3450 side:4125 and2532 be1096 not3361 faithless,571 but235 believing.4103
Saule a kholisoa hore Jehovah ke Molimo oa ka mehla le mehla.
A ea Najathe Ramah a tletse moea o sollang
A kopana le batho libeng se seholo a botsa potso a re o kae Samuel le David?
Ba re ba Najathe Ramah.
Ha a atamela teng moea oa Jehovah oa ntsa moea o sollang a tsoela pele a profeta a ba a fihla teng a ntsa profeta.
Saul a tla sebakeng sa bo teng ba Molimo, ka morero o mobe.

Ka lebaka feela la hore o tlile a ithola a porofeta
Moporofeta Isaiah55:6 o re batlang Jehovah ha sa fumaneha le morapele a sa le haufi.
Isa 55:7 Let the wicked7563 forsake5800 his way,1870 and the unrighteous205 man376 his thoughts:4284 and let him return7725 unto413 the LORD,3068 and he will have mercy7355 upon him; and to413 our God,430 for3588 he will abundantly7235 pardon.
Moporofeta Amos ena o re Amo 8:11 Behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD,3069 that I will send7971 a famine7458 in the land,776 not3808 a famine7458 of bread,3899 nor3808 a thirst6772 for water,4325 but3588, 518 of hearing8085 (853) the words1697 of the LORD:3068
Amo 8:12 And they shall wander5128 from sea4480, 3220 to5704 sea,3220 and from the north4480, 6828 even to5704 the east,4217 they shall run to and fro7751 to seek1245 (853) the word1697 of the LORD,3068 and shall not3808 find4672 it.
Qetellong banabeso:
Ba re ho ba apostola: Act 2:37 Now1161 when they heard191 this, they were pricked2660 in their heart,2588 and5037 said2036 unto4314 Peter4074 and2532 to the3588 rest3062 of the apostles,652 Men435 and brethren,80 what5101 shall we do?4160
Moapostola Petrose ena a re ho bona: Act 2:38 Then1161 Peter4074 said5346 unto4314 them,846 Repent,3340 and2532 be baptized907 every one1538 of you5216 in1909 the3588 name3686 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 for1519 the remission859 of sins,266 and2532 ye shall receive2983 the3588 gift1431 of the3588 Holy40 Ghost.4151

Lona le reng banabeso? A na ha le rate ho tseba hore na le etse joang?

SUBJECT: The week of prayer leading to Likhutlong SDA branch
Date: 24 May 2008

2Co 8:9 For1063 ye know1097 the3588 grace5485 of our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 that,3754 though he was5607 rich,4145 yet for your sakes1223, 5209 he became poor,4433 that2443 ye5210 through his1565 poverty4432 might be rich.4147

1Sa 15:9 But Saul7586 and the people5971 spared2550, 5921 Agag,90 and the best4315 of the sheep,6629 and of the oxen,1241 and of the fatlings,4932 and the lambs,3733 and all3605 that was good,2896 and would14 not3808 utterly destroy2763 them: but every3605 thing4399 that was vile5240 and refuse,4549 that they destroyed utterly.2763
1Sa 15:10 Then came1961 the word1697 of the LORD3068 unto413 Samuel,8050 saying,559
1Sa 15:11 It repenteth me5162 that3588 I have set up4427 (853) Saul7586 to be king:4428 for3588 he is turned back7725 from following4480, 310 me, and hath not3808 performed6965 my commandments.1697 And it grieved2734 Samuel;8050 and he cried2199 unto413 the LORD3068 all3605 night.3915

Deu 30:19 I call5749 (853) heaven8064 and earth776 to record this day3117 against you, that I have set5414 before6440 you life2416 and death,4194 blessing1293 and cursing:7045 therefore choose977 life,2416 that4616 both thou859 and thy seed2233 may live:2421
Joh 10:10 The3588 thief2812 cometh2064 not,3756 but1508 for to2443 steal,2813 and2532 to kill,2380 and2532 to destroy:622 I1473 am come2064 that2443 they might have2192 life,2222 and2532 that they might have2192 it more abundantly.4053
Joh 14:6 Jesus2424 saith3004 unto him,846 I1473 am1510 the3588 way,3598 the3588 truth,225 and2532 the3588 life:2222 no man3762 cometh2064 unto4314 the3588 Father,3962 but1508 by1223 me.1700

1Sa 19:24 And he1931 stripped off6584 his clothes899 also,1571 and prophesied5012 before6440 Samuel8050 in like manner,1571 and lay down5307 naked6174 all3605 that1931 day3117 and all3605 that night.3915 Wherefore5921, 3651 they say,559 Is Saul7586 also1571 among the prophets?5030
1Pe 4:4 Wherein1722, 3739 they think it strange3579 that ye5216 run not with4936, 3361 them to1519 the3588 same846 excess401 of riot,810 speaking evil of987 you
1. They think it strange.
-Ba ea makala me ba ipotsa lipotso ba bona ntho encha e kekeng ea fihleloa ke motho
-Ba makalla metsoalle ea bona ea khale ha e se e se khaphatseho e le ngoe bona ea bobolu.
2. They speak evil of them.

07th August 08

Mat 18:21 Then Peter came to Him and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Until seven times?
Mat 18:22 Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, Until seven times; but, Until seventy times seven.
Mat 18:23 Therefore the kingdom of Heaven has been compared to a certain king who desired to make an accounting with his servants.
Mat 18:24 And when he had begun to count, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.
Mat 18:25 But as he had nothing to pay, his lord commanded that he, and his wife and children, and all that he had, be sold, and payment be made.
Mat 18:26 Then the servant fell down and worshiped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me and I will pay you all.
Mat 18:27 Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion and released him and forgave him the debt.
Mat 18:28 But the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii. And he laid hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me what you owe.
Mat 18:29 And his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, Have patience with me and I will pay you all.
Mat 18:30 And he would not, but went and cast him into prison until he should pay the debt.
Mat 18:31 So when his fellow servants saw what was done, they were very sorry. And they came and told their lord all that was done.
Mat 18:32 Then his lord, after he had called him, said to him, O wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt because you begged me.
Mat 18:33 Should you not also have pitied your fellow servant, even as I had pity on you?
Mat 18:34 And his lord was angry, and delivered him to the tormentors until he should pay all that was due to him.
Mat 18:35 So likewise shall My heavenly Father do also to you, unless each one of you from your hearts forgive his brother their trespasses.

Th story of Simon the Pharisee and Mary the prostitute (Luke 7:36-50)
Th lord’s prayer: 11:4
forgive us our sins as we forgive our debtors

Eph 4:32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.

Joh 8:1 (1161) Jesus2424 went4198 unto1519 the3588 mount3735 of Olives.1636
Joh 8:2 And1161 early in the morning3722 he came3854 again3825 into1519 the3588 temple,2411 and2532 all3956 the3588 people2992 came2064 unto4314 him;846 and2532 he sat down,2523 and taught1321 them.846
Joh 8:3 And1161 the3588 scribes1122 and2532 Pharisees5330 brought71 unto4314 him846 a woman1135 taken2638 in1722 adultery;3430 and2532 when they had set2476 her846 in1722 the midst,3319
Joh 8:4 They say3004 unto him,846 Master,1320 this3778 woman1135 was taken2638 in adultery,3431 in the very act.1888
Joh 8:5 Now1161 Moses3475 in1722 the3588 law3551 commanded1781 us,2254 that such5108 should be stoned:3036 but3767 what5101 sayest3004 thou?4771
Joh 8:6 (1161) This5124 they said,3004 tempting3985 him,846 that2443 they might have2192 to accuse2723 him.846 But1161 Jesus2424 stooped2955 down,2736 and with his finger1147 wrote1125 on1519 the3588 ground,1093 as though he heard(4364) them not.(3361)
Joh 8:7 So1161 when5613 they continued1961 asking2065 him,846 he lifted up352 himself, and said2036 unto4314 them,846 He that is without sin361 among you,5216 let him first4413 cast906 a stone3037 at1909 her.846
Joh 8:8 And2532 again3825 he stooped2955 down,2736 and wrote1125 on1519 the3588 ground.1093
Joh 8:9 And1161 they which heard191 it, being(2532) convicted1651 by5259 their own conscience,4893 went out1831 one by one,1527 beginning756 at575 the3588 eldest,4245 even unto2193 the3588 last:2078 and2532 Jesus2424 was left2641 alone,3441 and2532 the3588 woman1135 standing2476 in1722 the midst.3319
Joh 8:10 When1161 Jesus2424 had lifted up352 himself, and2532 saw2300 none3367 but4133 the3588 woman,1135 he said2036 unto her,846 Woman,1135 where4226 are1526 those1565 thine4675 accusers?2725 hath no man3762 condemned2632 thee?4571
Joh 8:11 (1161) She3588 said,2036 No man,3762 Lord.2962 And1161 Jesus2424 said2036 unto her,846 Neither3761 do I1473 condemn2632 thee:4571 go,4198 and2532 sin264 no more.3371

Date: 08/ 09/ 08

2Ki 6:1 And the sons1121 of the prophets5030 said559 unto413 Elisha,477 Behold2009 now,4994 the place4725 where834, 8033 we587 dwell3427 with6440 thee is too strait6862 for4480 us.
2Ki 6:2 Let us go,1980 we pray thee,4994 unto5704 Jordan,3383 and take3947 thence4480, 8033 every man376 a259 beam,6982 and let us make6213 us a place4725 there,8033 where8033 we may dwell.3427 And he answered,559 Go1980 ye.
2Ki 6:3 And one259 said,559 Be content,2974 I pray thee,4994 and go1980 with854 thy servants.5650 And he answered,559 I589 will go.1980
2Ki 6:4 So he went1980 with854 them. And when they came935 to Jordan,3383 they cut down1504 wood.6086
2Ki 6:5 But as one259 was1961 felling5307 a beam,6982 the axe head1270 fell5307 into413 the water:4325 and he cried,6817 and said,559 Alas,162 master!113 for it1931 was borrowed.7592
2Ki 6:6 And the man376 of God430 said,559 Where575 fell5307 it? And he showed7200 him (853) the place.4725 And he cut down7094 a stick,6086 and cast7993 it in thither;8033 and the iron1270 did swim.6687
2Ki 6:7 Therefore said559 he, Take it up7311 to thee. And he put out7971 his hand,3027 and took3947 it.

1-8. Our Schools of the Prophets.--Just before Elijah was taken to heaven, he visited the schools of the prophets, and instructed the students on the most important points of their education. The lessons he had given them on former visits, he now repeated, impressing upon the minds of the youth the importance of letting simplicity mark every feature of their education. Only in this way could they receive the mold of heaven, and go forth to work in the ways of the Lord. If conducted as God designs they should be, our schools in these closing days of the message will do a work similar to that done by the schools of the prophets (RH Oct. 24, 1907).

Monday, April 19, 2010




Ministry of Healing p.127
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right
in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these
diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health as thy soul prospereth.”
3John 2



AND the LORD God took the man (Adam], and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."
Genesis 2:15.
A. God's original plan was for people to be active.

B. Physical activity is necessary to maintain all our functional body units
C. And to keep a reserve physical capacity to handle emergency situations.

 "God designed that the living machinery should be in daily activity.
For in this activity or motion is its preserving power....
The more we exercise, the better will be the circulation of the blood." -- Ellen G. White, Healthful Living, pp. 131-132

 "There is no exercise that can take the place of walking. by it the circulation of the blood is greatly improved. Walking, in
all cases where it is possible, is the best remedy for the diseased bodies, because in this, all of the organs of the body are
brought into use." -- Ellen G. White, Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 78

 "Moderate exercise every day will impart strength to the muscles, which without exercise become flabby and enfeebled." --
Ellen G. White, Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 533

 "Exercise will aid in the work of digestion. Take a walk after a meal; but no violent exercise after a full meal." -- Ellen G.
White, Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 530

 "Morning exercise, walking in the free, invigorating air of heaven, or cultivating flowers, small fruits, and vegetables, is
the surest safeguard against colds, coughs, congestion of the brain, inflammation of the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs,
and a hundred other diseases." -- Ellen G. White, Healthful Living, p. 176-177

 "If physical exercise were combined with mental exertion, the blood would be quickened in its circulation, the action of the
heart would be more perfect, impure matter would be thrown off, and new life and vigor would be experienced in every
part of the body." -- Ellen G. White, Counsels on Health, p. 572

 "Those who thus exercise the Christian graces will grow and will become strong to work for God. They will have a clear
spiritual perceptions, a steady growing faith, and an increased power in prayer.... Strength comes by exercise. Activity is
the very condition of life. Those who endeavor to maintain a Christian life by passively accepting the blessing that come
through the means of grace, and doing nothing for Christ, are simply trying to live by eating without working.... A man
who would refuse to exercise his limbs would soon lose all power to use them. Thus the Christian who will not exercise his
God-given powers, not only fails to grow up into Christ, but he loses the strength that he already had." -- Ellen G. White,
Steps to Christ, p. 80
Leviticus 17:11

 "The life of the flesh is in the blood." What is in the blood constitutes life; and if there is life in the blood, but bad
circulation, the entire system cannot receive the life it needs. Each cell in the body requires nourishment and cleansing
from its own wastes to be healthy. Nutrients are delivered to each cell through the blood stream, and, in turn, the wastes are
picked up and deposited in the eliminating organs. Thus we can understand the statement, "Perfect health depends upon
perfect circulation." (2T 531).

 "The more active the circulation, the more free from obstructions and impurities will be the blood."
(Healthful Living, p. 178).
The very best exercise is walking briskly outdoors.
"There is NO exercise that can take the place of walking. By it the circulation of the blood is greatly improved. Walking,
in all cases where it is possible, is the best remedy for diseased bodies, because in this exercise all the organs of the body
are brought into use." (3T 78).
"There is no exercise that will prove as beneficial to every part of the body as walking." (Healthful Living, p. 130)
 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
Psalms 139:14
Cells need four essential things to live and function properly:
OXYGEN: Without oxygen, cells die within three minutes; pure air brings life to the skin; for a lack of air the skin nearly
WATER: Without water, the cells die in a few days;
NUTRITION: Without nutrients they die in a few weeks;
CLEANSING: Their own wastes must be removed promptly or death will result in a matter of minutes,
or at the most a matter of hours

 "The studied habit of shunning the air and avoiding exercise, closes the pores, -the little mouths through which the body breathes, -making it impossible to throw off impurities through that channel. The burden of labor is throne upon the lungs,
kidneys, etc., and these internal organs are compelled to do the work of the skin." 2T 524
1Timothy 4:8 “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the
life that now is, and of that which is to come.”
In this text we would almost think the apostle is telling us not to exercise but that is not what is being said. He is
telling us that developing our bodies is not to be more important to us than learning to follow and obey God.
 You see,
• Paul lived at the time when the Greek Olympic contests were considered so important.
• The Pagans worshiped the human body and often put everything into athletic training.
• It was there idol, so to speak.
• And so we must be careful because it is easy to make sports, athletics, games of skill, or physical training an idol, to the neglect of our souls and the service of God.

All drinks, such as tea, coffee, alcohol, sugared drinks, and pop, take more water out of the body than they put in as the
body must use water to flush out the chemicals. Therefore they are dehydrating agents. One of the best things anyone can
do for the health of himself and family, is to dispense with all other drinks and drink 2 to 2 1/2 quarts of distilled water
daily- following the schedule of drinking half-hour before meals and 2 1/2 hour after and on rising and before bed. You
may need to drink much more than this if you already have a serious disease– you may be years behind in your water
As the cells struggle to survive under the chronic dehydration and poisoning caused by failure to intake sufficient water
and instead substituting poisonous drinks which the body has to try and remove from its cells, finally we reach the stage of
chronic pain, and various disease symptoms. The patient is then ‘treated’ with poisonous drugs that cause more confusion
and problems for the body’s struggling metabolism.
It is recommended that a person start on a regime of increasing their water intake. This must be done gradually if you are
elderly or in very poor health. Use distilled water and start with 1 glass on rising and one before each meal and in evening.
If urination increases accordingly, then add one glass 2 1/2 hours after each meal, bring your intake up to- your weight ÷
2= # of oz. per day. This is minimum requirement of water.
It will take a while for the body to recognize that it is going to receive adequate water and to cease its water rationing
efforts and allow the cells to become rehydrated. It is recommended to try putting a pinch of sea salt on the tip of the
tongue following each glass of water which seems to signal the cells to take in water.
It will also take time for the natural thirst mechanism to activate so that the body again will signal its needs- indeed in some
cases that will never be wholly dependable so water should be taken on schedule and in planned amounts.
The major cause of fatigue and exhaustion when working-out and in athletic activities is dehydration so water should be
carried and used freely when exercising.
Many of the body’s cries for water become chronic pain problems. Any kind of chronic pain including migraines and
gastric pain, should be treated by several days of increased water intake of at least 2 1/2 quarts a day and see if the pain is
not relived. If it is not, then further treatment can be sought, but in most cases it will be gone. This is especially true of
severe pain that does not respond to medication.

Sunshine has several benefits to the body.

 It furnishes the natural Vit.D
 and helps to lower cholesterol.
 Sunlight increases the volume of oxygen in the blood.
 Start with 10-15 minutes daily to face and hands and
work up to 30-45 minutes daily.
 The best time for sunbathing is 9-10 am and 4-6 PM.
 Avoid burning.
 To lessen skin cancer risk, reduce the fat intake,
• such as animal fats, oils, margarine - (& foods containing
refined, processed oils)


Temperance is not only concerned with drinking booze; good health requires moderation and wise choices
in all aspects of life.
I. Over-eating,
II. over-playing,
III. over-working, and
IV. over-indulgence of the marriage
privilege can all contribute to poor health.

Abstain from all harmful indulgences;
a) Tobacco,
b) alcohol
c) coffee,
d) tea, (except herbal tea)
e) colas and soft drinks.
The bit of pleasure they might give is not worth the misery
they cause in the long run!


 Pure fresh air is very important!
 That means good air with lots of oxygen.
 Walking in forests and nature is great!
 Do deep breathing exercises daily, in the morning.
 Even in winter have windows open a little and air rooms daily.
 Avoid smoke, chemicals, sprays and aerosols..

 Get adequate restful sleep!
 an early, light supper, well before bedtime
 and no eating before bed will help.
 A relaxing warm bath may help you unwind,
 avoid stressful and stimulating activities before bedtime.
 Regular times for going to bed and rising will also help.
 The best time to go to bed is between 9 and 10 PM.
 This sounds strange, because in our culture, it almost seems in bad taste to sleep!
 100 years ago the average person got 9 or more hours sleep!
 Now it is more like 4 or 5!
 Exercise during the day also helps set the stage for restful sleep.
 Avoid using drugs for sleep as these are harmful and sleep thus attained is of little benefit to your body.
 Lack of restful sleep is for many the root of the ‘enervation’ that brings disease.
 For healing and cleansing to occur much rest and sleep is needed as these actions are done only while asleep!


 An abiding faith in our loving God will help you!
 He has made every provision to forgive and cleanse all our past mistakes.
 He will give power to break harmful addictions and help us overcome bitter and angry attitudes that ‘eat us up’ inside.
 If we are ‘Willing to be made willing’ He will work with us,
 take away our love for sinning and make us free in Him.


No passage in 2 Corinthians has prompted more discussion than this one. Paul's message here relates directly to ch. 4, where he pointed out that even in the midst of affliction, perplexity, and persecution, there was, through divine consolation, the hope of glory (4:8-9, 13-14, 17); and that even in the presence of the ravages of mortality and death, there was, through divine intervention, the operation of life (4:10-12, 16). Paul continues this twofold theme by specifying the sources of divine comfort afforded the believer who faces the possibility of imminent death. Basically they are three: (1) the certainty of the future possession of a spiritual body (v.1), (2) the present possession of the Spirit as the pledge of ultimate transformation (vv.4b-5), and (3) the knowledge that death begins a walk in the realm of sight (v.7) and involves departure to Christ's immediate presence where personal fellowship with him is enjoyed (v.8).
1 Apparently for the first time in his apostolic career Paul reckons seriously with the possibility, even probability, of his death before the return of Christ. Previously, to judge by 1Th 4:15, 17 and 1Co 15:51, he had expected to be among those Christians living when Christ returned. But now, as a result of his recent devastating encounter with death in Asia (1:8-11), he realized that he could die before the Parousia.
As a Cilician leatherworker whose duties included tentmaking, Paul naturally likened his present body to an "earthly tent" (GK G2103 & G5011; cf. vv.2, 4) that might at any moment be dismantled or destroyed. This would simply mark the termination of the process of weakness and decay already at work in his body (4:16). But this possibility did not daunt him, for he was the assured recipient of a permanent heavenly house--a spiritual body provided by God.
2-4 These verses belong together, since v.4 expands v.2, while v.3 is parenthetical. One reason for Paul's assurance of his future acquisition of a resurrection body was the raising up of the temple of Christ's body (Mk 14:58; Jn 2:19-22), alluded to by the phrase "not built by human hands" in v.1. An additional reason was the experience of Spirit-inspired groaning (vv.2, 4; GK G5100; cf. Ro 8:23). Paul's sighing did not stem from a desire to become permanently disembodied but from an intense longing to take up residence in his "heavenly dwelling."
The passage does not define the precise nature of the "groaning," but the immediate context and Paul's thought elsewhere (Ro 8:19-23; Php 3:20-21) suggest it was his sense of frustration with the limitations and disabilities of mortal existence, knowing as he did that he was destined to possess a spiritual body perfectly adapted to the ecology of heaven. Paul sought liberation only from the imperfection of present embodiment (i.e., from "bondage to decay," Ro 8:21), not from any and every form of corporeality. After all, Paul taught that the Christian will have a "spiritual body" (1Co 15:35-49).
But not all at Corinth shared Paul's view of the Christian's destiny. Some were teaching that one's resurrection lay in the past (see 1Co 15:12), accomplished spiritually and corporately for all believers at the resurrection of Christ or else personally experienced at the moment of baptism (cf. 2Ti 2:17-18); to them there was no future, bodily resurrection but only a disembodied immortality. To such people Paul asserts, "We do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling." This background also affords a satisfying interpretation of v.3, where Paul seems to be repudiating the teaching that the Christian looks forward to a vague immortality: "when we are clothed, we will not be found naked [as some of you would like us to believe]."
Another possible interpretation of vv.2-4a sees Paul expressing his own eager desire to avoid the unpleasantness or pain of a disembodied intermediate state between his own death and his receipt of a new body at the coming of Christ. He shrinks from the denudation of death and longs to put on his heavenly dwelling over his preserved earthly tent through the return of Christ before his death, though he is uncertain whether this will happen.
Verse 4b states the purpose and actual result of the receipt of the heavenly dwelling--the swallowing up of the mortal body by the revivifying action of the indwelling Spirit of life (Ro 8:2, 11; 2Co 3:6, 18). This transformation forms the climax of the incessant process of inward renewal (4:16b). In other words, 5:4b is related to 4:16b as 5:1a is related to 4:16a. For Paul, resurrection consummates rather than inaugurates the process of spiritual re-creation.
5 The "very purpose" for which God had "made" (or "prepared"; GK G2981) the believer is defined by v.4b as the transformation of the mortal body. God has given believers the Spirit as the pledge of that coming transformation--"a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." The Greek word lying behind this paraphrase (GK G775) meant either (1) a pledge or guarantee, differing in kind from the final payment but rendering it obligatory, or (2) a down payment that required further payments but gave the payee a legal claim to the goods in question. Clearly not all these elements apply to Paul's use of the word, for redemption is not a process of reciprocal bargaining ratified by some contractually binding agreement but is the result of the grace of God, who bestows on believers his Spirit as an unsolicited gift. But how can the Spirit be God's pledge of the Christian's final inheritance (Eph 1:13-14; cf. 4:30)? No doubt through his present work of empowering the Christian's daily re-creation (2Co 3:18; 4:16; Eph 3:16), the Spirit guarantees his future completion of that work (cf. Php 1:6).
6-8 With the assured hope of receiving a glorified body (v.1) and with the pledge of his transformation in the presence and activity of the Spirit within him (v.5), Paul was always confident, even in the face of death. However, he continues, because we realize that we are absent from the Lord's presence as long as this body forms our residence, we really prefer to leave our home in this body and take up residence in the presence of the Lord.
Just as the repeated verb "we groan" shows vv.2 and 4 to be related, so "we are confident" relates vv.6 and 8, with v.7 being parenthetical (cf. v.3). But v.8 does not simply repeat v.6; it stands in antithetical parallelism to it. The corollary of "residence in the body = absence from the Lord" (v.6) is "absence from the body = residence with the Lord" (v.8). In other words, as soon as a person dies (v.8a), residence in the presence of the Lord begins (v.8b).
What is involved in being "at home with the Lord"? To be sure, it denotes a change of location. But the preposition translated "with" (GK G4639) also implies an active fellowship between two persons (cf. its use in Mk 6:3). Being "at home with the Lord" supersedes earthly experience where believers simply know the Lord (cf. Php 3:10); it is a higher form of the intimate fellowship with Christ than what we experience on earth (cf. Php 1:23; 1Th 4:17).
In v.7 Paul corrects a possible misinterpretation of v.6. If the clause "we are away from the Lord" (v.6) is interpreted in an absolute sense, present fellowship with Christ would appear illusory and being in the physical body would hinder spirituality. Since both deductions are totally false, Paul qualifies his statement by observing that "we do in fact still walk in the realm of faith, not of sight." To the believer the Lord is present, not to sight but to faith. Any spatial separation is temporary, not final.
9-10 Verse 9 follows vv.1-8 in much the same way as an ethical imperative frequently follows a doctrinal indicative in Paul's letters ("You are . . . ; therefore be!"; see comment on Ro 12:1). After stating profound doctrinal facts (vv.1-8), Paul shows their implications for present behavior (v.9). His constant ambition to please Christ (v.9) resulted directly from his awareness that death would terminate his relative exile from Christ and would inaugurate his walking in the realm of sight in the presence of the Lord (vv.6-8). Entertaining the hope of intimate communion with Christ after death (v.8) naturally prompts the desire to gain acceptance in his eyes especially before death (cf. Gal 1:10; Php 1:20; Col 1:10; 1Th 4:1), through "things done while in the body."

Thursday, April 15, 2010